
Wednesday 29 July 2015

The Gardening Benefits of Being Busy

It was definitely harder this year to plant and maintain a garden 
as I was studying to write two exams. 
Not to mention having to manoeuvre around my large belly.

I did it though :) 

The best part about gardening this year is that 
because I'm super busy...
every time I go into my garden there are tons of
fruit and veggies ready to be harvested.

Most of the previous years I would go out into the garden multiple times a week
and stare at the produce...
and harvest most of it before it was ready.

I discovered that when you let gooseberries actually ripen, 
they are delicious!
I thought I didn't like them, 
but it was probably because I was picking them before they were actually ripe.

New things my garden teaches me every year :)

The best part of growing multiple varieties of blueberries is that
when you grab a handful you are delighted by the different mouthful of 
flavour every time. 
In this harvest I had Peach Sorbet, Pink Lemonade, and a boat load of the normal kinds.
Boy, oh, boy were these delicious!

This is actually my second harvest of blueberries. 
The first was right after TheLittleBear came home.
Those blueberries sat around for three days 
as I tried to find time to take a picture.
In the end...
I gave into their deliciousness and dug in before I could picture it for you all.

I dream that next year I'll be better at this whole multitasking caring for a little bear 
and gardening business. 

Thursday 23 July 2015

Hilo Friends :)

Hi Friends,

I've totally been m.i.a when I said I would be back in July... Sorry about that. Life has gotten away from me.

I finished my CGA exams. I hear if I passed them both in a couple of days! Eeekkk... I've been so nervous this whole time. One was super rough and the other was manageable. The toughest part was that I received some terrible news the morning of my first exam. (More on that later though)

TheLittleBear came into my life almost immediately after, and she's been keeping me and TheDapperGentleman up most nights with her newborn need for food ;)

I've never been a very patient person, but having TheLittleBear is definitely a lesson in patience and love every day.

I hope you all are doing amazing.

The good and bad thing about being super busy is that when I do look out into my garden, I'm pleasantly surprised by everything that has grown and ripened! I've already harvested a boat-load of blueberries.

Update! Peach Sorbet Blueberries are amazing!!!!!!

The Jellybean blueberries didn't yield this year, but hopefully next year.

And... the Raspberry Shortcake Raspberries did not do so well this year... Maybe it's 3rd year blues, or the terribly hot spring we had this year. Hopefully next year they do better.

Talk to you all later.

With Love,


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