
Monday 16 May 2016

Organizing My Diaper Drawer

I'm always fascinated with how people organize their house. 
I love to organize and see everything in it's neat little place.
So, I thought I'd share how my diaper drawer is organized. 
In the upper row I have 3 rows of diapers, a tupperware of doggie poop bags, and wipes.

We use Huggies because they are the most affordable brand that 
did cause TheLittleBear to break out in a rash.
We EC (elimination communication) with TLB, so I didn't need to invest in a diaper pail.
Most of the time TLB uses her potty to do her business, but on the off chance that I didn't 
pay enough attention and she went in her diaper, I have doggie bags that I never use for Rory
to put her stinky diaper in. 
I also use Huggies wipes because that's just what we've always used. 
They were on sale once at Costco and I never changed what we started with. 
Sales... They get you every time ;)

In the next row I have all my baby liquids.
Baby Aveeno, Hand Sanitizer, Coconut Oil for bottoms, D-Drops, 
Bio Gaia (now it comes in non refrigeration required),
Penatin, Coconut Oil for non bottom areas, and Vaseline. 

We use Baby Aveeno Eczema Care because TLB his prone to Eczema on her face.
It works wonders!
I also have hand sanitizer that I use to spray on things that get peed on... 

I separate my Coconut Oil into small containers for bottoms and
large container for non bottom areas. 
Just so there is no contamination.

D-Drops because the midwives harped on and on about it.
Bio Gaia because it helps build gut bacteria to fight gas.
It comes in no refrigeration required now, yay!
Having a baby open their mouth and stay still long enough to 
drop 5 drops in their mouth is tough. So we put it on a little spoon
and TLB loves it! She gets to play with the spoon after which is like a double treat 
for us because it keeps her occupied while we apply her oils :)

I keep the non bottom Coconut Oil and Penatin in these mason jars.
They fit perfectly in the drawer.
Also, the original Penatin container that it comes it would get cream everywhere.
This keeps it contained better.

The desk is from ikea.
It's the MICKE desk.

Living in a small space and keep to a budget I repurposed this desk.
We had a piece of bed topper foam we didn't need anymore so I cut it to size and viola. 
Change table:)

The fabric patter is from Birch Fabrics.
Fabricana has a huge selection of wonderful fabrics.
If you measure what you need and get only the perfect amount of fabric,
there is minimal cutting and sewing to make a cover for the foam. 
I also put a garbage bag over the foam and under the cover to make it water proof :)

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