
Wednesday 16 April 2014

Propagation: Succulents

At one of my previous jobs I took over the responsibilities of watering the office plants. We had 5 floors of a building, but only a couple of floors actually had plants. I found a ficus tree that only had a couple of leaves on it and decided to nurture it back to health. It had some straggly branches that I trimmed and put into a cup of water. As the weeks went by, I noticed white stringy things started to grow out of the ends that were in the cup of water. This turned out to be new roots growing!

That was my first experience with propagation. Ever since then I've become addicted! My succulent grave yard is an testament to my propagation skills...

Succulents are actually relatively easy to propagate. Step 1, trim off a leave or branch. Step 2, leave it alone. Step 3, when it starts to grow roots spritz it with water. Step 4, voilĂ  new plant from old plant.

If you want to get fancy you can dip the ends in cinnamon, or rooting liquid (purchased at the garden store).


  1. You can also use honey as a rooting agent.

    1. Thanks so much for the comment :) I love learning new gardening tips everyday!


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