
Monday 22 December 2014

Keep Focused when Sailing

The hardest part of sailing is being the person who steers.

Sailing is so peaceful and serene that sometimes I forget that I'm not just there to relax.

I often mind doze, which leads to instructors saying, "Watch Your Angles."

The sound of the waves, the rocking of the boat...

It's all so magical.

Monday 15 December 2014

Living Life Through Research

The best thing my bachelor's degree taught me was, 'how to live life, via research.'

I've purchased 6 sailing books, 2 survival books, and googled the bejesus out of sailing before I stared my lessons... 

I'm an academic at heart and can't get away from research no matter what I do.

Oh the life of a graduated History in Art Major :)

No one can ever say, I don't use the skills I learned in the process of acquiring my degree...

p.s. My new thing is weaving. I've been researching and pinning on Pinterest for over a year, but still don't feel I have enough research to start ;)

Monday 8 December 2014

Directionally Challenged...

I think one of my best qualities is my love of getting lost. 
The best adventures come from wrong turns!

You think you are going the right way for a long time.
Then you finally look at a road sign 
and realize you are on the road to Whistler
when you were supposed to be headed to East Vancouver...

Other people don't always find it as exciting as I do.
This is why I always give a disclaimer when getting into my car:
I'll try my best to get us where we need to be,
however you must be up for an adventure should we get lost 
and never end at our intended destination.
Should you not accept the terms, please exit the vehicle to your right :)

This lovely trait of mine, unfortunately, is not conducive to Sailing.

In Sailing, you have to know where things are...
Direction of the wind...
Land marks...
North, East, South, and West...
You know, normal stuff, normal people know ;)

So... This Happened One Day:

One day I was out on the water with my Sailing Instructor. It was getting late so he wanted us me to steer us back to Kit Yacht Club. I of course obliged... and pointed us into the direction of Kits...

I was minding my own business... sailing us back to our dock, but the Sailing Instructor kept on saying, "Head Up". In this case, it meant steer closer to the left. 

He said this about 6-10 times, and every time I would adjust the boat. However, after about a minute it didn't seem like we were going in the right direction to head to Kits, so I would altimately steer back to my original posisiton. 

I guess the Sailing Instructor was getting really confused as to why I kept steering us back to my original state even though he was telling me to keep more left... Finally he ask, "Where are you going?" 

I was like, "To Kits, over there..." And I pointed to Kits.

He then had an ahh-haa moment and said, "That's not Kits, it's Jericho! Kits is to the left of that, over there." And proceeded to point to the Real Kits...

I started to laugh, "No wonder you kept telling me to 'head up'. I was thinking you were crazy because you kept pointing me away from kits, and you were thinking I was crazy because I kept on steering us to Jericho!" 

Monday 1 December 2014

The Pressure of Doing Well

I always endeavour to be honest, so here goes.

I can't wait until school is over because the pressure I put on myself and the pressure put upon me by others will cease. It's debilitating sometimes to have the pressure of past well performances looming over you. It's like a benchmark of my life that I'm not allowed to go below.

People around me always dismiss my feeling when I'm in a moment of self doubt. Sometimes a strong person needs someone to listen. School is tough, and sometimes in moments of stress I doubt that I'll be able to pass a course.

I've been known to do well, but that isn't always a benchmark for the future. Let me fail. Let me not be perfect at school. Lend me your ear in moments of stress and self doubt. Please don't dismiss my feeling because I've done well in the past.

My past performance is not a benchmark for the future. Every situation or course is new for me and self doubt is natural in new situations/courses.

An empathetic ear is always better than dismissiveness and advice giving.

Relaxation Music

For the past week I've been studying or procrastinating. Final exam time can be so stressful!

Here are the youtube video I listen to, to relax :)

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do:

p.s. wish me luck on my exam tonight :D

Monday 24 November 2014

Helpful Memory Trick

True story:

Once upon a time, there lived a DapperGentleman. He was a forgetful fellow. Every morning as he walked down the hall to the elevator he would forget if he had locked the front door.

DapperGentleman: Did I lock the door?

LovelyLady: I'm not sure, I was waiting for the elevator...

Several Years Later...

DapperGentleman: Shoot, Did I lock the door?

LovelyLady: Every morning you ask me this.... Every morning... You know what would be fun and helpful at the same time? If you sang a song. That way when you locked the door you would sing the song on the way to the elevator. Then at the elevator you would know that you locked the door because you would be singing the song... You could sing: Lock the Door, Lock the Door, I'm so good, I Locked the Door.

The Very Next Day:

As the DapperGentleman locked the front door he sang:

Lock the door, Look the door, One potato, two potato, Lock the Door. 

LovelyLady Narrating to Audience: It has been 3 weeks since I suggested the song, and instead of annoyance at the same question every morning, I am greeted with a lovely song at the elevator. I must admit, I am one cleaver lady ;)

Monday 17 November 2014

Best Part of Binge Watching TV

Gilmore Girls is on Netflix! Gilmore Girls is on Netflix!

I have all the DVD and watch them at least 3 times a year, 
but now everyone who has Netflix has access too!!!!

My most favourite part of binge watching TV is singing along with the theme songs.

Here's Gilmore Girls, with Lyrics ;)

Sometimes learning the lyrics is challenging like with this one:

It took me almost until the last season to get it right. 
Once I did, it was pure magic.

If you are one of my neighbours and are reading this....
Sorry for singing so loudly, but feel free to sing along.

"Where you lead... I will follow... "

P.S. TheDapperGentleman sings along too

Monday 10 November 2014

Nom Nom Nom...

The yummiest apple babies I've ever had ;)

It still surprises me that growing your own food tastes so good.
These apple babies were delicious!
Sweeter than normal apples, and amazing :)

Monday 3 November 2014

Grumpy Cat has a Movie

Grumpy cat has a movie!!!!!

Here'e the trailer:

It looks like one of those classic awful movies.

Fortunately, I am a lover of bad movies.

I believe that someone somewhere but their heart and soul into the film.

Even though it's a terrible film, it deserves to be watched by at least one person ;)

Mark your calendars: Saturday November 28th

Amalie-ing my neighbours

Have you ever watched the film Amalie? It's actually one of my all time favourite films. The best thing I learned from this film is to build relationships with your neighbours.

In the past I did this though saying hi, then noticing things about my neighbours and creating wild stories to explain their habits and behaviours.

When I heard odd noises I start to imagine living beside serial murders who burry their victims in the walls... Then I'd start to keep an eye on the shared walls to see if there is any buckling over time.

One time I noticed that my neighbour kept odd hours, and I started to imagine that she was a call girl. Not just a street corner call girl, but a high priced one because she was so sweet!

As time progresses, I got to know everyone more and more, and these stories shattered. It's okay because new people move in all the time :)

Friday 31 October 2014

Ror's Halloween

Happy Halloween from Ror :)

The dragon is on the loose!

We may be able to catch her...

Oh... Oh... She's starting to stir...

She's trashing her tail at us. Run! Run!

It seems like she's sleepy, this is our chance!

And... We caught her. Hip-Hip-Hurrah!

The elusive Dragon has been captured and contained :)

Halloween Cut My Finger

Halloween Cut My Finger...

You know that very clique Halloween Prank of cutting something and faking you cut your finger, when really it was only Ketchup?

I did it for real today. I was minding my own business cutting veggies and I sliced up my finger.

People who know me best, know that I'm the worst in medical emergencies. I panic and freeze in fear at the sight of medical injuries...

I could see that a 1/4 of my nail had been effected and I just stared at it for what felt like forever.... I was completely alone in the house, so I knew that if I didn't do something it would be hours before TheDapperGentleman would come home and find me.

I called the only number I know my heart, my bestie. I didn't mean to be a bawling mess, but when I heard her voice, I could contain my emotions and I ugly cried to her on the phone that I cut my finger. No salutations, just crying and repeating, "I cut my finger, I cut my finger, I'm all alone and I'm so scared!"

My bestie tells me all the time that she knows first aid. I mean like, all the time, all the time. When I was hurt, all I could think about was, "Bestie knows first aid, bestie knows first aid..." Had she not drummed that into me for the last 12 years, I don't know I would have remembered.

She came and saved me! She washed and bandaged my wound. Thank goodness already in her car when I called and she could come right over. I don't know what I would have done without her.

I couldn't look up TheDapperGentleman's work number on Google because I didn't have any spare fingers... Dialling my Bestie's number manually for the last 12 years is what saved me :)

I don't think that it was a coincidence that I cut my finger on Halloween... It was a Halloween conspiracy! Halloween, you bested me this time... but next year we'll see who comes out the victor...

You all are probably wondering where was Ror? She was 3 feet away in her bed... didn't even lift her head as I was in my trauma... She did managed to leave and greet my Bestie when Bestie came to save me...

On the bright side, I'm getting better at not panicking. In previous emergencies I would just stand there and bleed out. I wouldn't even put pressure on the wound... When TheDapperGentleman and I were first dating, he had to save me when I cut myself on a broken piece of glass... but that's a story for another day :)

Zen and the Art of Sailing

Love is in the air and thy name is Sailing...

I have fallen fast and hard. 

There is nothing better than feeling the wind on my skin

and having the waves rock me into a meditative state. 

This meditative state gets me into trouble though,

but more on that later...

I'm exciting to share more about this with everyone in the coming weeks :)

Monday 27 October 2014

Propagation: Ficus

Creating a new ficus tree from cutting is actually very easy.

All you need to do is trim off a couple of branches and place them in water.

After a couple of weeks, small white roots will grow from the branches.

Be sure to check on these babies, because they need to be in constant water.

Once they have a couple of root shoots from the stem, you can plant it in soil.

This is a ficus tree that I started a couple of years ago.

This is the parent ficus tree. 
I saved it from my previous work. 
It was in this dark meeting room dying from lack of light.
When I first started to take care of it, it only had 10 leaves on it :(

But now it's so lively and lush :D
It's also the father of many of my ficus tree gifts to friends.

Ficus trees are definitely the tree that keep on giving.
All they require in return is plenty of water and sunlight.
I have found that this is the most low maintenance indoor plant I have :)

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Apple Babies a Retrospective ;)

In honor of the birth of the twins 
I thought I'd compile a retrospective of our season together...

The first signs of apple babies. 
I remember being so excited to see life growing on Bob.

This is the further away apple baby. 
Isn't he gorgeous! 
It was tough getting any pictures of him 
because he was on the other side of the tree! 
There are more blurred pictures than focused ones...
iPads are not great photo taking companions ;)

This apple baby didn't survive...
He was just too misshapen and fell off.

Another fallen apple friend... rest in peace little one.

Apple babies are growing... 

and growing...
Look how big he was getting.

This is from the time when one of the apple babies was blushing at me ;)

The time when i used garlic to help with the ants.
Worked like a charm.

A rare picture of the further apple baby.
Look how big!

Bigger blushes from the closer apple baby. 
I love you too little one!

And now... All grown up and ready to be picked!

It honestly felt like forever waiting for these guys. 
I would look at them every day as I drove into the garage 
and as I opened my balcony window. 

I did have doubts that something would happen
before I could pick them. 

I'm just so happy and excited that they survived until 
Harvest Time :)

Best Thing Ever!

p.s. They are the size of regular store apples! 
Like the size of non organic apples ;)

p.s.s. To fully appreciate this post, reread it with a dramatic tone.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Exciting News...

I have some very exciting news to share...

At 9:35pm tonight Bob had his apple baby twins!

They are both look plump and delicious.

Here is their birth story:

After months and months of waiting and watching, 
I was looking outside my balcony window
and thought that one of the apple babies had fallen...

When I went to take a closer look, 
I saw that everyone was fine :)

Upon closer inspection, 
I saw that the apples were no longer green.
They were both ready to be picked!

I pick the closest one first. 
Little did I know that they wanted 
to be born at the same time because
as I picked the closer one, the farther one fell off.

I scooped them both up and 
took them inside to bath them in fresh water.
They are both doing splendid 
and are sitting on my counter awaiting breakfast time...

p.s. TheDapperGentleman took the lovely newborn picks ;)

Monday 20 October 2014

to do or not to do... cell phones

Do you have a cell phone?

I guess this might be a silly questions because most people do.

I actually dont...
When I was younger I did have one at sporadic times.
But it never really stuck.

I love being able to enjoy the freedom 
of not having to answer the phone when I'm out.
The constant ringing and buzzing can be so disruptive.

When I'm with someone, I want to be with them.
I want to give them my undivided attention to
let them know that they are important to me 
and that I care deeply for them :)


Secretly, I love eavesdropping on conversation on the bus.
People lives can be so exciting! 
My life is usually lived without dramatics 
so I love to hear about other people's lives :)

Monday 13 October 2014

Has Everyone Been Hairspraying Without Me?

I just discovered hairspray. What the what? This stuff is awesome.

When I say discovered, I mean learned how to use it properly so that my hair doesn't end up worse then when I started.

Here's how I spray my hair:

Step 1: Style your hair exactly the way you want it...

Step 2: Spray your hair...

The trick is in the "exactly the way you want it" part.
I used to lean forward and spray so it wouldn't get on my face, but that's the wrong way.
Stand up straight and spray your hair, that way you make it say the way you are going to have it the rest of the day :)

Super easy, yet it took me years and years to figure out lol...

Monday 6 October 2014

Mid Semester Pick Me Up

I love love love love love love love school supplies.

If you need a mid semester pick me up, buying some cute new supplies can help.

I'm obsessed with unique, functional, and beautifully designed stationery.

Here are 3 online stores that I adore :)

I'm absolutely obsessed with this store. It has the cutest and most functional everything!
I'm a fan of multi-pens. That way you only have to carry one pen, but you have different colours and a pencil as well :)

The nicest couple owns this store. They are just the sweetest!
They have similar stuff to Jet Pens, but sometimes they are a tiny bit cheaper.

Korean Stationary? Yes please!
This store has everything, from backpacks to erasers.

Monday 29 September 2014

Flowering Arranging

Whenever I receive cut flowers, the flowers always 
decline at different rates.

I'm left with varying lengths of stems...

Eureka, Solution!
Use various sized containers, 
place them close together...

and Viola...
A full looking arrangement :)

Don't forget to trim the stems and change the water daily.
These flowers lasted 2 full weeks using this method.

Monday 22 September 2014


Bob's apples are growing so big. 

Fall is the apple season. 
Farmers markets are filled with fresh local harvest...

Bob's second apple baby...

Figs are growing. 
Container figs seem to bloom later in the season. 
Works out for me :)

This is a second pair of figs higher up on the tree.
I've been extremely lucky this year!

Saturday 20 September 2014

A Love Letter to the New Bees in the Gardens

Dear New Bees in the Garden Site,

I love you! You make me feel so happy when I look at you. 
If you're wondering why your page view numbers have spiked recently, it's me :)

This has made my year.

Love you,


A huge thanks goes out to my brother for doing all the work, and helping me implement the list of things I wanted! If anyone needs any help with your site let me know, because he's amazing. Like, bow down to his genius kind of amazing!

Monday 15 September 2014

How My Garden Looks Late in the Summer

This is a late summer shot of my garden. 
The far left is the carrot patch.
The centre is where the turnips and cucumber live.
The immediate right are the tomatoes.

You can see my fall garden on the left. (super small)
And a close up of the tomatoes.

Close up of the fall garden. 
Purple core carrots at the top,
purple beets in the middle,
and golden beets at the bottom.

Garlic, coffee grounds, and hot chilli powder
to deter the bugs. 

Beets, Beets, Beets :)

Cucumber growing...

Egg plants growing...

Salad Bowl Tomato Harvest!

It's hard to tell in this picture, but this cucumber is Giant!
Fun Fact: as the cucumber grows larger, so does the seeds.
Great for seed savers :)

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