
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Walking With A Future Gardener

TheLittleBear has been very keen on touching plants during our walks lately.

She points to a plant she wants to touch and I bring her over for her to inspect.

It's truly the cutest thing!

Now that she's walking, she's exploring the plants even more.

Today on our walk, everyone commented on her plant touching ways.

Here are some plants she was keen on:

Weeds, but oh so pretty. 

More weeds...
but they are the perfect height for short bears.

TheLittleBear spent a good ten minutes feeling and shaking this mini tree.

Monday 29 August 2016

Sewing is My Adrenaline Rush

Some people drive fast cars...

I sew fast to get the same rush ;)

This is from a blanket I'm sewing for TheLittleBear.

p.s. minky/velour fabric is the worst,
but the softness is irresistible to me.
My love of softness outweighs the test of my patience it creates.

p.s.s my seam ripper and I have become very close friends 
since I started working with minky and velour fabrics. 

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Dinosaurs Attack!

This weekend I went out with a girlfriend.
We didn't know it at the time, but we were transported to Jurassic Park!

Here are some pictures and videos 

This is when I texted TheDapperGentleman to tell TheLittleBear I loved her,
and to use my life insurance money for something fun ;)

Luckily this one is behind a boat load of fences!

The mama Triceratops...

and her baby. 

To be honest, I did find it odd that there were dinosaurs in the city...
but I'm not one to judge. 
Plus, I thoroughly enjoyed chasing down these dinos. 
It felt like I was playing that Pokemon game everyone keeps talking about :)

Tuesday 23 August 2016

The Daughter of Woman ;)

TheLittleBear's attempt at imitating this painting...

To make food  more interesting I experiment with giving her food in different shapes.
Sometimes I'll cut them up, other times I'll keep them whole.

Beware of this method of feeding kids...

If you give them food whole, they then know what it looks like in it's normal non cut up state.
So when you go grocery shopping, you'll have to fight them to not eat all the veggies as 
you put them in the cart ;)

On multiple occasions I've had to stop TLB from taking bites out of everything in the shopping cart.

Monday 22 August 2016

An Afternoon at Maplewood Farms

We went to Maplewood Farms a couple of weekends ago.
Here are some pictures of our adventure :)

The horses were very alert. 
They knew when people were looking at them and they came right over to "Nay" 
at us. 

Baby goats, baby goats, baby goats!

Friday 19 August 2016

My New Job as a Book Surgeon

Dr. B.i.t.G and Surgical Nurse TheLittleBear performed Book Surgery today.

I'm happy to report that all patients will make a smooth recovery. 

As you can see from the pictures, I don't think my career 
should lead into plastic surgery... ;)

If you're interested, 
tools used were:

Packaging Tape
Scotch Tape
and Scissors 

Tuesday 16 August 2016

B.i.t.G Holmes Is On The Case!

Once upon a time...

There lived a nice, quiet family.
There was a MummaBear, TheDapperGentlman, and TheLittleBear. 
They lived a peaceful life, that was quite predictable.

One day, they had a celebration.
It was a grand celebration, with balloons, streamers, and a watermelon cake. 
Everyone who attended this grand event had a wonderful time, 
especially enjoying the delicious watermelon cake ;)

A couple of weeks after the celebration...
A terrifying balloon started haunting this quaint family.

One of the balloon (we'll call him Mr.M-Balloon) from the celebration became possessed!

Mr.M-Balloon started to fly around the house...
He would sneak and scrap the ceiling to make terrifying sounds...
He would creep up behind the family and scare them...

The family became terrified.
They would see Mr.M-Balloon out of the corner of their eyes
stalking them around the house. 

The family hid in their rooms to get away from Mr.M-Balloon...

After more than a week of being terrified,
MummaBear captured the balloon and quarantined 
Mr.M-Balloon to a safe corner of the living room. 

From there on, 
Mr.M-Balloon stayed put. 
Living the his remaining days 
in the safety of his corner.

The moral of the story is...
Large Foil Letter Balloons are worth their price 
because they last for weeks :)
... also... 
balloons are scary!

Monday 15 August 2016

A Celebration!

A couple of months ago we celebrated a special event!
Here are some pictures :)

The above is the hair clip that TheLittleBear wore.
It's a shiny crown that clips in your hair.

We made a watermelon cake.

The first layer was peaches...

Then strawberries...

Ta Da! Watermelon cake. 
It was sooooo delicious. 

We set up this cute general store.
Do you need some fruit from 
Mr. Owl and Son's Family Grocer?

p.s. I painted the Rory picture ;)

Friday 12 August 2016

Who Do You Root For In Movies?

I was watching a Netflix movie the other day called Tallulah. 
The bare bones description is a girl steals a kid from a mother in NYC.

I'm not sure if I was supposed to be rooting for kidnapper, or the mother...
but I was rooting for the kidnapper!

Even in the end when the mother comes to her senses and truly misses her kid,
I was rooting for the kidnapper to be able to legally keep the kid. 

It makes me think about the How I Met Your Mother Episode, 
where Barney explains why he roots for the bad guys in every movie. 
Here are the quotes if you need to jog your memory :)

Monday 8 August 2016

A Running Joke

A few years ago TheDapperGentleman and I were joking around about us opening a store for organizational products because I love organizing so much. Nothing brings me more joy than someone asking me over to their house to help them organize something. I love it!!!!!!

I love love love starting a new job and being able to organize everything. File folders... label makers... file folder tabs... binders... creating folders, sub folders, and labelling data files... mmMMmm sounds like heaven...

So, back to the running joke.

I said that the store should be called Organization Organization. The first organization being the act of organizing and the second organization referencing a company/or group of people. Then TheDapperGentleman said, "Ba-Zinga! Organization squared!" But I countered saying that it wouldn't make sense because if organization was a number value it would be one and one squared is only one. So the essence of that would just be one organization... (you may insert math dork joke here ;))

Then I joked that when we answered the phone we would have to answer it, "Organization squared, if organization equals to a value greater than one. How can we help with your organizational needs today?"

Now this joke comes up any time we even think of organizing anything, and I laugh every time :)

Monday 1 August 2016

You Gots-ta Research

My brother and I were talking about learning how to ski this winter.

My cousins who already know how to do winter sports responded with, "you just have to go up and do it."

We said, "nope, that's not how we learn... We need to google techniques, acquire some research and testimony books, then devour all the information, wait a couple of weeks and find more books... then devour those... then maybe do even more googling and youtube watching... then take a person to person hands on class, then finally try it on our own." You have to be prepared... ;)

My brother and I are the biggest academic nerds ever. We must research everything! I've been researching weaving techniques for a year now, and haven't even felt ready enough to buy materials...

This stringent research technique has also applied to sailing. Currently I have 15 sailing books, 46 websites book marked, 6 sailing magazines, and 4 survival books.

I threw in the survival books because I don't want to be stuck on a dessert island and not know how to survive. You have to be prepared for all scenarios! No one wants to be Gilligan, or a character on Lost. 

In my first sailing class I was the keener who read the entire book before the class started. I had to pretend I was dumb and not answer all the questions he was asking just to tone down my keenerness...

I was starting to look like a nerd, and not in a cute way, but in an I Know Everything about Everything ha ha ha... Kind of way.

Sailing People are super laid back. My hyper overachieving ways don't jive well with the ways of the sea. I know the sea and I can work it out. :)

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