
Monday 17 August 2015

This Year in the Life of Bob

I know we've all been waiting for this...

It's an update on Bob the Apple Tree!

Bob has one apple this year. 
Last year we had three, which was amazing
because it was his first year.

I'm sure the difference has to be because 
last year there were tons of apple trees 
to pollinate from in the nursery, 
but this year there was only his friend tree. 

It's all good though :)
I'm excited for this singleton apple baby.
It's ripening faster this year. 
I think because our Spring was so warm. 

Monday 10 August 2015

Mystery Squash

Hi Friends,

This year I for sure planted acorn squash and spaghetti squash...

But then... a mystery squash appeared. 

Mystery Squash...
If anyone knows what it is, let me know.
It just appeared in the garden. I'm sure seed were mixed up and this angel was mixed in.

Yum Yum Spaghetti Squash.
My MIL introduced me to this years and years ago.
Such a better option to actually using real noodles :)

This is the craziness of the squash vines!

It looks like it came out of a fairy tale.

The baby squashes trying to grow up big and strong.
You will be in my tummy soon enough baby squash!
Nom Nom Nom...

Saturday 8 August 2015

Garden Harvest

Hi Friends,

It's garden harvest update time :)

Garden Harvest Update Time!
Garden Harvest Update Time!
Whoot Whoot!

The two green pepper plants are doing amazing! 
I've harvested about 8 or 9 green peppers already. 
The lonely red pepper plant is slowly getting there.

I've also harvested 3 squashes. 
Two spaghetti squash and a mystery squash.
I've given the first two to my bestie.
Hopefully she reports back soon what the mystery squash was :)

Mystery Squash

Spaghetti Squash number two, Bell Cherry Tomatoes, and regular Cherry Tomatoes

Close up of the tomatoes with the peppers.
These look amazing. 
My salad is going to be flipping awesome tonight.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

The Gardening Benefits of Being Busy

It was definitely harder this year to plant and maintain a garden 
as I was studying to write two exams. 
Not to mention having to manoeuvre around my large belly.

I did it though :) 

The best part about gardening this year is that 
because I'm super busy...
every time I go into my garden there are tons of
fruit and veggies ready to be harvested.

Most of the previous years I would go out into the garden multiple times a week
and stare at the produce...
and harvest most of it before it was ready.

I discovered that when you let gooseberries actually ripen, 
they are delicious!
I thought I didn't like them, 
but it was probably because I was picking them before they were actually ripe.

New things my garden teaches me every year :)

The best part of growing multiple varieties of blueberries is that
when you grab a handful you are delighted by the different mouthful of 
flavour every time. 
In this harvest I had Peach Sorbet, Pink Lemonade, and a boat load of the normal kinds.
Boy, oh, boy were these delicious!

This is actually my second harvest of blueberries. 
The first was right after TheLittleBear came home.
Those blueberries sat around for three days 
as I tried to find time to take a picture.
In the end...
I gave into their deliciousness and dug in before I could picture it for you all.

I dream that next year I'll be better at this whole multitasking caring for a little bear 
and gardening business. 

Thursday 23 July 2015

Hilo Friends :)

Hi Friends,

I've totally been m.i.a when I said I would be back in July... Sorry about that. Life has gotten away from me.

I finished my CGA exams. I hear if I passed them both in a couple of days! Eeekkk... I've been so nervous this whole time. One was super rough and the other was manageable. The toughest part was that I received some terrible news the morning of my first exam. (More on that later though)

TheLittleBear came into my life almost immediately after, and she's been keeping me and TheDapperGentleman up most nights with her newborn need for food ;)

I've never been a very patient person, but having TheLittleBear is definitely a lesson in patience and love every day.

I hope you all are doing amazing.

The good and bad thing about being super busy is that when I do look out into my garden, I'm pleasantly surprised by everything that has grown and ripened! I've already harvested a boat-load of blueberries.

Update! Peach Sorbet Blueberries are amazing!!!!!!

The Jellybean blueberries didn't yield this year, but hopefully next year.

And... the Raspberry Shortcake Raspberries did not do so well this year... Maybe it's 3rd year blues, or the terribly hot spring we had this year. Hopefully next year they do better.

Talk to you all later.

With Love,


Monday 22 June 2015

Rory's New Haircut Inspiration?

How AMAZING is this hair cut?!?!

Possible fur-spiration for Miss Ror?

I love it, like I love fresh blueberries on a hot summer's day.

If at all possible I will try this with Rory one day...

Monday 15 June 2015

A Masked Visitor

The other day we had some masked friends come to visit...


I was looking out my window and noticed something sleeping in a curled up ball.
At first I thought it was a cat, but then it woke up and revealed itself to be a raccoons.

There were actually two raccoons! 

We didn't notice the second one until later, 
and at that point they both scattered away.

But how cute is this one?

TheDapperGentleman took these pictures.
I give him an A+ ;)

Raccoon: I have paws, look at how cute they are.

Raccoon: Hmm... What's over there?

Friday 12 June 2015

A Lovely Moss Covered Town

How amazing is this town?

It must be so amazing to walk around every day and to be surrounded by beauty.

Every time I've travelled to another city, I always come home to Vancouver
and notice how lush our beautiful city is.

It's so easy to take our beautiful greenery for granted. 
It's the best part of spring and summer.

Hope you've been doing amazing :)

Monday 27 April 2015

MIA for awhile

Morning Friends,

I'm going to be MIA for awhile.

I have to concentrate on finishing my CGA course and studying for two exams. Final Course, and Final Two exams to be exact. I'm almost finished!!!!!

Wish me Luck!

I'll see ya'll in July :)

Love Always,


Monday 20 April 2015

Spring Trees Update

The trees are blooming!
This is the second year of the mini cherry trees. 
Ahhh... I'm so excited that they came back :)

One day in the distant future I shall eat the fruit 
that this tree will bear... Until then I will enjoy it's leaves.

Bob the Apple Tree is loving his second year of life!
I am loving you too Bob! I am loving you too!

Here's bob's entire story.

Bob's beautiful blooms.
Apple blossoms are just amazing.

Un-named friend tree of Bob...
This friend is coming back too. Crimson Gala, I hope you fruit this year.


Willow Tree

Japanese Maple :)

Other willow tree. 

Want to know a secret? These willow and maple trees used to be my favourite,
but they don't do anything...
no fruit, no flowers...

Other trees in my garden have so much purpose that sometimes I just feel sad
that these trees get to take up room...

I'm contemplating giving them away... 

If anyone has any love for them let me know :)

Spring Update

Spring is here and everything is blooming!
These are the Honey Berries. 

Honey Berries are like blueberries, 
they like to have friend plants nearby.

I only have one plant 
because I ended up not liking the fruit...

Raspberry Short Cake...
These produce the largest best tasting raspberries ever!

I'm definitely adding a couple more bushes to my collection this year.

Gooseberries. Every year these berries come back 
with such vigour! I love it!



Peach Sorbet Bluberries...

More 2nd year Peach Sorbet Blueberries...

2nd year of Jelly Bean Blueberries.
Unlike the Peach Sorbet, 
I don't think this one is going produce fruit this year...

Aren't they just the cutest when the leaves are just blooming.

Monday 13 April 2015

Spring Flowers

TheDapperGentleman surprised me with these lovely flowers last week. 

Gerber daises are the perfect way to brighten up your house for spring :)

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Rory Lately

Rory Lately is full of fur :)

It's her winter hobo look.

She will soon be trimmed down.

For now, we are enjoying her full figured fur-ness  ;)

Monday 30 March 2015

Spring in the Patio Garden

Spring has come a little earlier here in Vancouver. We've had a very mild winter and now the plants have deemed it time to start the spring process.

Here are some lovely pictures from my patio garden...

This is the Silver Lavender that I planted late last year. It's looking mighty fine.
I definitely pruned it just enough...

Always the first to bloom, Bleeding Hearts. 
I combined the white and pink ones into a single pot last year. 

Tiny buds starting on the Azalea. I can't wait to see its pink blooms.

Blueberries! I was just telling TheDapperGentleman
that soon we will be able to harvest fresh fruit straight from our patio. 
This is most definitely the best thing about having your own garden.

Bob the Apple Tree. Looks like he's going strong. Hip Hip Hurrah 
for surviving the winter. 

These are the new blueberry plants I planted last year. 
Peach Sorbet and Jelly Bean variety. Looks like there are 
going to be some sweet treats this year.

Monday 23 March 2015

Sailing Knots

One of the most useful things I've learned while sailing are the nautical knots.

I love how I apply these knots to my daily life.

I was walking Rory the other day and didn't want to hold her leash.

Knots to the rescue! I just attached her to my coat button,

Problem solved :)

I've also used the 1. knot to tie my boots.

It works well to hide the laces.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I have! 

Monday 16 March 2015

The Oddest Compliment

When most people get complimented it's on an amazingly awesome personality trait.

For me, I get complimented on how I'm really good at making awkward silences less awkward.

I guess sitting in front of me and not talking really works for my tea drinking companions. On multiple occasions I've been complimented on how being silent around me is so refreshing and comforting.

I'm glad I could help friends ;)

I love being silent with others. Their energy is all I need sometimes.

Here's a great article about how silent pauses are very much welcomed in Finland.

This is somewhere my tendencies would be well appreciated.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

It's Tree Buying Season

Tree Keepers is having their annual Tree Sale.

You can purchase different kinds of trees for $10-15.

I purchased two last year and they are both still going strong :)

Monday 19 January 2015

I Quit, Facebook...

A couple of weeks ago I deactivated my Facebook account. Have you ever done it?

It's extremely liberating. I'm definitely going to miss seeing my friends children grow up via FB pictures...

It's amazing how much my relationship with technology has changed since I stopped using Facebook. Often times I find myself opening my laptop or iPad, only to close it a second later because, without Facebook, the internet has no purpose.

I have to admit that the first couple of days there was a lot of withdrawal. After the third day, you get used to it and you spend your time catching up on TV and actually watching the show, instead of just listening as you peruse the internet ;)

Could you live without your Facebook?

Monday 12 January 2015

Dreaming of Spring...

Lately I've been dreaming of Spring.
It's one of my favourite times to see spring bulbs popping up from the winter cold. The best part is when bulbs secretly multiply and surprise you with multiples.

Two years ago I started out with two Alliums, then last year I had three. It was the best surprise of a new gardening season. 

I can't wait to watch and see what surprises I get this year :)

Monday 5 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone,

I can't believe how fast last year went by! It feels like just yesterday I was getting ready for 2014.

Have you made any New Year's Resolutions?

I normally abstain, but this year I've decided to live as positively as possible. Sometime I find this difficult because there are people who like to drag me down. This year I vow to ignore them and only allow positive people in my life.

2015 is going to be a huge year for me :) So many changes on the horizon... I can't wait.

Growing up can be extremely scary and nerve racking, but also incredibly exciting.

Here's to a wonderful 2015. Hip-hip-hurrah!


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