
Monday 3 October 2016

More Dork Jokes

TheDapperGentleman and I were walking around our neighbourhood one day.

TDG commented: Is that house still for sale?

B.i.t.G: No, it's sold. The sold sign is on the bottom. It's just not that visible because we're far away.

TDG: Why do they leave up sold signs for so long?

B.i.t.G: I know right, it's like show me the paycheque, not the pay stub. LOL, LOL, LOL!!!




TheDapperGentleman did not laugh as much as I did...

So, I had to explain the joke to him.

B.i.t.G: It's funny because no one wants a pay stub, they want the money. So leaving the sign up is like taunting people. Get it? ;)

TDG: I understood the joke...

B.i.t.G: You understood the joke because I explained it, hee hee hee.

p.s. I told this joke to an accountant friend and she laughed hard!

p.s.s. You see TDG... I am hilarious. I just need to find my audience.

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