
Wednesday 16 April 2014

Eat Like a Gardener

I have to admit that I'm a total germaphobe. I clean my bathroom all day long when I have people staying with me... ;) Sometimes, when people tell me about their germaphobic habits, I think "wow, that's awesome I should do that too..." Thus making my obsession with ridding my house of germs even worst... hee hee hee

When you're gardening without garden gloves your hands can get insanely dirty and stained by the dirt. I'll be scrubbing and scrubbing but sometimes the dirt has seeped into the crevices of my hands and I just have to wait it out. (this usually happens at the beginning of the season when I've been deprived of gardening all winter long and I'm too excited to start, that it's what I call 'spare of the moment gardening')

One time I was at my cousins house and the scene went a little like this:

*** me, jennifer (my cousin), and sandra (her friend) are sitting in the living room. my cousin's friend wanders off to find a snack***

S: hey Jen, do you mind if I have some cheese puffs?
J: I don't mind, have as much as you'd like

*S walks back to the group with a small bowl of cheese puffs and chopsticks*

me: ummm..... umm..... ummmmmmm.... what are you doing?
S: eating cheese puffs?
me: but... why are you using chopsticks?
S: I don't like my fingers getting the gross orange stain :)

*in my head: bing! bing! bing! eureka!* I can use this for eating snacks after gardening hashtagbestthingever :)

Ever since this eureka day, I've also been eating my snacks with chopsticks. It works! No more cheese puff fingers, or icing sugared fingers for me. Food Finger Free since TwoThousandandThirteen, nom nom nom...

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