
Tuesday 8 April 2014

Planning you Garden: Organization and Minimization

The second step in planning my garden is organizing my seeds and tools. This way I can see what I have and what I need. I'm relatively new at gardening so I don't have a plethora of gardening tools. My method of not breaking the bank, is to slowly accumulate the things I need. 

Last year it was gardening sheers and a straw broom. This year it's a shovel! I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to get a shovel. I've been using the tiny ones for potting for 2 years. 

I know it's insane to not buy a shovel when you need one, but gardening can become extremely expensive. I also have a motto of one in one out. If I buy a new sweater, I must give away a sweater. It goes for everything in my house. It's hard sometimes to make the tough decisions of what to give away, but this way my house isn't busting at the seams. The only exception I have is if I'm buying something I don't already have.

Here is my gardening box of things needed to be kept indoors 

Guess which one holds the gardening tools :)

These other boxes hold a bike helmet, and regular tools.

Ta Da.... Seeds, Seaweed Fertilizer, Mesh for garden fencing and to keep away birds from the blueberries, Twine to secure things, and Sheers.

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