
Thursday 8 May 2014

Container Gardening: Blueberries

I, BeesintheGardens, am a hoarder of blueberry plants. I currently have 13 blueberry plants on my patio, ranging in sizes. When I see a new variety, I force the people around me to help me justify bringing them home. Reason have ranged from "But... It's so cute" to "I don't have this one yet, my other blueberries told me they want this new variety as their new friend" to "I must, I must, I must save this blueberry plant from the awful conditions it's currently in and give it a better home."

The first step in getting better is admitting your addiction.

Ror loves blueberries too. Whenever she's on our patio she goes up to them and sniffs around to see if there are any for her yet. This is why I think it's okay to keep adding new ones? This might just be another excuse to add more, and more, and more, and more.... blueberries...

I'm an avid believer that what you grow, you should share. I love sharing my harvests with my co-workers, neighbours, and friends. However, if you are one of these groups of people you may have noticed you have never receive any blueberries.

This is my second problem. I hoard the plants and the berries... Ror only gets some because she looks up at me with those cute big eyes and it's hard to say no.

Here are some tips I've learned along the way:

I have found that Blueberries love love love coffee grounds. They thrive on it.

You also need blueberry friend plants because blueberries don't like being alone. The friend plants cannot be of the same variety because blueberries will have a greater yield when you give it 3 or more varieties to cross pollinate with.

Don't forget to plant bee friendly plants to lure the bees to your garden.

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